Tuesday, April 19, 2022


I'm usually in Ottawa for Easter but my extended family has not gathered since the pandemic started. There was a get-together this week-end but still not as large as before. Because of the sublet, I was in Toronto this year. But a friend did invite me over for a BBQ on Sunday.

They have spent much time and money renovating their backyard. Although the weather was still cool, they assured me that we will all be warm and toasty. Their deck was not only enclosed, but they have purchased several propane patio heaters with prices ranging from $200-600. My own family have never bought extravagances like this. The upside was that hardly anyone needed to wear a coat.

The meal was mostly a lot of meat and shrimp with a smattering of lettuce, green herbs, sour mangoes, and vermicelli. One person brought a small plate of mock-meat made from various tofu products. But outside of myself, no one touched this vegetarian alternative.

Unlike last time, my friend's entire clan was there including cousins, nieces and nephews. Many of these people I haven't seen in years especially the young folks. A decade ago, they were still in elementary school. Now all were finishing up university. So I could not tell who was whom. But I still remembered most of their parents even if we were now all older. There was one gentlemen who had gone completely grey. For the life of me, I could not place him until his wife spoke up. That was embarrassing as I had previously visited them at their house.

There were over 20 people but no one wore a mask. I generally have been diligent about this at concerts, restaurants, and on public transit. But I have lapsed too, mostly at Yoga classes. We needed higher vaccination and masking rates to break the infection cycle because no one can be 100% vigilant. Unfortunately, that never happened and now most people thinks the pandemic is over.

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