Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Fish Pose

Now back in Toronto for a spell, I decided to visit my old Yoga studio on Sunday even though my daily practice has become gentler in style. It would be nice to see any familiar faces even if I don't know them outside of class. The instructor teased me for skipping out the last few months. I realized that since I joined their class 7 years ago, I might be the only student remaining from that time. Everyone has eventually left for various reasons. It must be a bit melancholy as an instructor to see so many faces come and gone.

There was one person there that I remembered. They have actually practiced with me for a decade ever since our days at the West End YMCA. It was I who suggested that they join me here after the classes at the Y had become stale. Despite this long association, we never became friends. But it was nice to see them and ask after their young family. Apparently, they had returned to the studio in November right after I had departed for Ottawa.

Afterwards, I wandered to the College and Dovercourt area for lunch. A little birdie told me that a new fish commissary and sushi joint called Oroshi had opened not on the main street but just off a garage lane. Unfortunately, the owner/main chef apologized that due to their recent profile in Toronto Life, they were swamped with orders. So I had to grab whatever was available in the fridge which turned out to be 2 onigiri ($3.50/each). To tie me over, I went over to Daily Dumpling Wonton for vegan bao ($6.75 for 3). When I finally ate those onirigi at home, I was very impressed with the sauce and flavour. I'll have to find a way to get an omakase order despite the current hype around them.

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