Sunday, December 15, 2013

What's In A Name

On Friday, I was at the long-running venue Zaphod Beeblebrox for some live music. With the cold snap gripping Ottawa and some unknown bands on the bill, not many ventured out tonight. I looked around the place with some nostalgia. I was last here years ago when the Shuffle Demons came through. Like tonight, it was practically empty except for me and my friend. And hard as it is to believe now, we were as young as the baby-faced crowd who came to cheer their buddies on stage. The bands tonight, oddly enough, did not play music that "matched" their names.

Chris Spencer charmed the audience with his English accent and disarming manner. His songs were typical pop about love, not love, and more love. Unfortunately, his drummer and lead guitarist were ragged around the edges, making the set a bit amateurish. The Tenebaums, all the way from Winchester, did not actually played the kind of twee music suggested by their moniker. In fact, backed by tight bass and drums, they played furious, short, and punchy punk-pop. But it was mistifying why the singer adopted a growly voice because for all the energy, their music was more pop than punk/metal.

The headliners were local band The Riot Police. Again, you would expect in-your-face music from such an aggressive name. But their background in vocal groups meant their songs were full of 2 and 3 part harmonies and little flourishes and details in the arrangements. It was catchy pop with numerous forays into "power ballad". Not to disparage their skills, but with their boyish youth, they'd probably find bigger success going after the "Jonas Brothers" crowd.

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