Saturday, March 7, 2020

Mama Bowl's Best

Walking through Koreatown after a morning concert on Thursday, I decided to have lunch there. I've been watching Youtube food-tasting videos and realized it's been a while since I've enjoyed Korean banchan, that spread of tasty side dishes that accompanies most meals. On the way, I passed by Mrs. Kim (Jean Yoon) of the TV show Kim's Convenience.

There were so many choices along those blocks including Soon Tofu, Tofu Village, and Imonay. I finally stepped inside Mama Chef because their window display promised cheese bibimbap. I didn't get that unusual dish today but did pick a kimchi and tofu bibimbap ($14.99). I haven't had this stone bowl entrée in a while because I developed an allergy to sesame oil. So sauces like bibimbap or Middle-Eastern hummus and tabouleh were out. But it seemed to have diminished lately so fingers crossed.

The bowl came out hot with the rice still crackling and cooking. There were six side dishes including kimchi that were all tasty. In fact, the whole meal was wonderful: soft tofu, crunchy radish, carrots, and cabbage, slightly burnt pieces of rice at the bottom of the bowl. The only drawback was the amount of food. Good thing I was planning on walking home.

It turns out I still have the sesame oil allergy but only in a mild form. But a few itchy bumps that lasted about 40 minutes was worth it. Mama, I'm coming back for that cheese bowl and your special "pies".

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