Friday, March 2, 2018


There seems to be a mini-trend of chill R&B-vibe music from female-fronted acts including Charlotte Day Wilson here in Toronto and Men I Trust in Montréal. On Thursday, I went to the Mod Club to hear two such acts also from those two cities.

Officially, Dizzy is actually from Oshawa. But they proved that chill vibes don't have to originate from the big city. All 4 members kept the slinkiness going through their set but I thought the highlight were the Lorde-esque singer Katie Munshaw and the guitarist who played some very "synth-y" chords.

In contrast, Milk & Bone (Laurence Lafond-Beaulne and Camille Poliquin) are from Montréal. Since there were only two of them, both singers stayed mostly behind a bank of synths, samplers, and drum machines. Now and then, they did venture to the front to dance to cheers. But stage pyrotechnics weren't needed as their music was made for swaying. Well, the cool beats may also inspire some shoulder movement. Perhaps as compensation, I've never seen a small(-ish) act like this touring with such a professional light show including a dedicated tech.

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