Saturday, March 4, 2017

So Regular

After years of cooking, I'm frankly getting tired of it. So much work to prepare meals. I've been thinking that I should become a restaurant regular and let someone else take over. I started compiling a candidate short-list. Friday night, I went to the first: Enoteca Sociale. Now, as part of a full dinner with copious wine and multiple dishes, it's not a cheap place. And there's no way you can stay healthy with that many calories and fat. But in my opinion, it could be a doable (even once a week) if you're judicious.

I limited myself to a sauté rapini side-dish ($7) and a plate of bucatini all'amatriciana ($14). Not only was that wallet-friendly but hopefully won't kill me from heart disease. That was actually enough of a meal, but the fresh bread and good olive oil was filling if you were hungrier.  In any case, success. It was a fine dinner, better than I could make at home, and no prep, cook, or clean-up time needed.

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