Thursday, May 5, 2022


It happened that an ex-coworker lived near my sublet and their partner was not a breakfast person. So on Tuesday, I met up with them for the third time to try out brunch options at Pasaj, a Middle-Eastern brunch spot and bakery on Queen. It always looked full so we got reservations even if early in the week is a safe bet for other restaurants.

It was a refreshingly brief menu. They picked the eggs benedict while I chose the Menemen (which is the Turkish version of Shakshuka). It was two poached eggs with feta in a tomato and bell pepper sauce. My palate wasn't fine enough to taste the nutmeg or sumac. I've had numerous versions all over town so this was good but not the best. I also enjoyed the simit (Turkish bagel) as they also own Simit and Chai. The salad was pitifully small for an $18 meal.

I relayed to my friend all the little bits of the East-End that I've seen some of which they've known about and others were new to them, too. They were still planning several vacations including an upcoming trip to Poland in June. They were also worried about their grown child who was wrapping up 3rd year studies. Unfortunately, this college junior lacked any work experience and was introverted, too. Yet they refused to let their parent reach out to ex-colleagues to get a foot in the door. I commiserated as one of my cousins was equally stubborn. Well, they ended up having to abandon their dream of med school after several years of failure. A hand-up isn't a hand-out.

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