Friday, February 7, 2014

Noodly Doodly

Having eaten relatively blandly for the last few meals, I thought that I had room for the sodium overload of a bowl of ramen. Thursday night, I decided to check out the 2nd location of Kinton Ramen. They have set up shop around Bloor and Clinton in Little Korea with the noodle house on the 1st floor and an upcoming izakaya on the 2nd.

It looks like the trend of cheaper daily specials have spread. For appetizers, I got takoyaki ($3.80) and a spicy karaage salad ($3.80). The battered octopus tentacle came dipped in sweet sauce and flakes of bonito. They were tasty bite-sized treats though heavier on the batter than the seafood. The salad combined fried chicken with a citrus-flavoured salad. Good but the chicken could be crispier.

For the main, I opted for the miso bowl ($9.80) with thick noodles and pork belly. It was a bit disappointing. Everything was just slightly off. The noodles could be cooked just a little bit more to get the perfect chew. The pork was fatty but not richly flavourful. Perhaps the kitchen was having an off night, but it was a middling effort.

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