Sunday, April 14, 2019

Quiet Riot

On Saturday, I was at The Burdock for some music. Given a lingering illness, I was hoping this was one of those prompt (Burdock) shows that ended before 11 given that there were only 2 acts on the bill. No such luck. Perhaps the organizers were hoping for some late-comers. So I only stayed for the opener: Corey Gulkin from Montreal.

She was able to bring up some compatriots to form a full band, at least for tonight. I was impressed with the line-up. Gulkin straddled the line between art-rock and some more punchy numbers. Each member was able to add either delicate layering or rocking groove as required. I was particularly taken with drummer Mili Hong and her careful and precise drumming. She probably has a jazz-based education. As for Gulkin, she should consider writing some more straight-forward numbers. Near the end of her set, she demonstrated that she can get feet and bodies to dance.

Our Founders don't play very often. I suspect because this band is mostly a side project for its members, including new addition Merival. I did enjoy some previous appearance but I had to leave tonight. Saturday night is for dancing but these old bones needed their rest.

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