Monday, June 16, 2014

Mmmm 'Kay

On the last day of the Luminato Festival, I headed down one last time for local singer Stacey Kay. I saw her last summer at Emma-Lee's Case of the Mondays. I was curious to hear her pop songs backed by a full band. Although mostly within the pop realm, she did borrow bits of other styles from reggae (Island Girl) to speed rap (Take A Ride). Her choice of covers also ran the gamut: Beyoncé (XO/Partition) to Ceelo Green (Forget You) to Etta James (At Last). She had a versatile voice from gritty urban to torchy ballads. But what sold her performance was Kay's ease and assurance on stage, no doubt helped by her other gigs including being cast member of a touring version of Godspell. Some of her fellow tour-mates, as well as various family members, were on hand to cheer her on. At the end, she did sell a good amount of her debut EP. It's fun to sing to your trendy peers. And a senior audience won't stand up and dance. But they will buy merchandise.

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