Monday, April 1, 2013

A New Hope

Though it's still a bit nippy and there's snow on the ground, Spring officially arrived last week. With an early Easter week-end, I went to a pot-luck brunch on Sunday. As there were mostly Asians at this get-together,  no turkey, roast beef, or other traditional Easter fare made an appeareance. Instead, we had a gamut of Asian dishes.

There was a hybrid corn soup with cubes of tofu. Next was a beef stew with multigrain bread. Some maki, mostly vegetarian, were unwrapped. Though without wasabi, they were a bit bland. Finally, you can't have an Asian spread without some fried rice and chinese sausage or soft noodles with bbq pork. For dessert, it was a fruit spread of watermelon, blackberries, cantaloupe, and sweet mangos.

But there was a surprise in store. The hostess has prepared some Easter-themed cupcakes with little chocolate eggs in a nest of marshmallow square shreddies. To announce the gender of their second child, an appropriately coloured filling could be found inside. After a couple of bites, a pink gooey filling oozed out. I guess a baby girl is arriving later this summer.

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