Monday, August 23, 2010

Weezer, Geezer! Where'd You Get Those Sheezer?

I was browsing through the local free weeklies last week, and there was a number of positive profiles of an all-female Weezer cover band called Sheezer. Apparently, there's quite a buzz about them in the Toronto indie scene since last winter given that they've only played 2 shows (and as more of a lark than anything else), and the name even came before the band (2 of them had to learn new instruments.) The (mini)-hype is because they are all members of other local bands. Their hotly anticipated 3rd show was to be at the Garrison on Friday. I had never listened to Weezer in the mid-90s, and the Garrison's sound system is underwhelming. So I would have passed on Sheezer except that the group photo had a shot of Laura Barrett. As I like her brand of weird, quirky songs I decided to check out the group. First, of course, I had to familiarize myself with Weezer's first two albums (The Blue Album and Pinkerton) with a couple of listen thanks to youtube playlists.

Laura Barrett, who was actually shorter than I am up close, had chopped off her long hair into a fetching jaw-length short cut. Yay! Then I learned that she was moving to Vancouver. Boo! No more songs about crystalline banyan trees that tinkle like wind chimes!

I made my way up to the front row by the time Sheezer came on at a very late 11:40 pm as they were the only band on the bill. But the wait was worth for me and sold-crowd of 300 or so. Sheezer put on an energetic show that was tight, skillful, and exuberant. Most of the women took turns doing lead vocals except for lead guitarist Alysha Haugen. Magali Meagher (The Phonemes) was the elder stateswoman, keeping things cool on rhythm guitar. Robin Hatch (Sports: The Band) was sweaty on guitar, synthesizer, xylophone, and harmonica. Dana Snell (The Bicycles, Gentleman Reg) contributed a fine voice and a fierce muscularity to the drums. Boy, she smashed those skins but good. The surprise was bassist Laura Barrett (Hidden Cameras, herself) and lead guitarist Alysha Haugen. I couldn't believe Laura only learned to play bass a few months ago for Sheezer; her usual instruments are the piano and kalimba. But there she was, in full nerd rocker with her short hair and glasses, hopping around covered in sweat, laying down some catchy bass lines. I remarked afterward that this was quite a difference from her usual gig and she enthusiastically agreed.

As for Alysha, before tonight she was known as a local music promoter; no one had any idea she could rip out those jangly solos and screeching chords with such ease. With her short curly hair, glasses that kept slipping down her nose, and not a drop of sweat to stain her dress ... well, she did have that sexy librarian/teacher vibe going (if librarians rock out between the book-shelves.)

The night was a smashing success. It'll be interesting to see where Sheezer go from here as each member has her own musical pursuit. Why not open for Weezer? Heck, they might out-draw those old fogeys.

As for the geezer bit, I guess this song from Weezer sums up my attitude at this time. I hope they're not being ironic.

…And I don't wanna be an old man anymore
It's been a year or two since I was out on the floor
Shakin' booty, makin' sweet love all the night
It's time I got back to the Good Life
It's time I got back, it's time I got back
And I don't even know how I got off the track
I wanna go back…Yeah!

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