Friday, September 28, 2018

Full Metal Alchemist

Thursday at Lee's Palace was my first real metal show even if Yama Tanka can be loud. The full crowd was definitely different than the usual indie scene: more black outfit, longer hair, and harder drinking. Opener Astronoid from Boston was what I expected this genre to sound like: furious guitars and double-pedaled drums. But instead of the growling vocals, these were high falsetto with slightly emo lyrics.

But I was blown away by head-liner Zeal & Ardor. Originally a one-man project to combine metal with African-American spirituals, Gospel, and Blues, as a live band they were outstanding. What made the set so compelling was that although it was within the genre, there was a variety of techniques, dynamics, styles of singing. Some were straight-up head-bangers, others for moshing, or showing off guitar riffs. There were numbers that were contemplative and atmospheric. Manuel Gagneux has put together a sound that was unique and exciting.

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