Monday, November 28, 2011

Frankly Silly

I liked the musical Ride The Cyclone so I decided to check out the Saturday night cabaret after-party at Theatre Passe Muraille involving some cast members from the show. There was some twitter buzz that there may be several acts, but at the show there was just two.

First up was Slut Revolver, a female duo (with cast member Kelly Hudson) who sang humorous and often raunchy songs. They remind a little bit of the Youtube-famous pairing of Garfunkel and Oates, though Slut Revolver is smuttier. The songs were amusing, but sometimes crossed the line between crude (but funny) into unnecessarily offensive.

The main act was Hank and Lily. Hank was the bass-playing rat Virgil in the musical. Now he was some sort of disco king with his disco queen. Kelly Hudson and Sarah Pelzer acted as back-up singers with appearances by Rielle Braid as a sexy lady-cop, Elliott Goran as a dancing robot, and Matthew Coulson as David Hasselhoff. All of the songs were jokey but none really transcended into true humour. The dance beats were fun but the under-powered sound system at Passe Muraille was too anemic to get the blood pumping. Most of the crowd were friends of the cast so it had very much an in-crowd feel.

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